Love ! How inspiring can this be. The problem is that people are blinded as soon as we come to talk about love. Good animation, popular music (that I personally dislike but it doesn't interfer my judgment) and love, and POW ! you concocted a philter that'll lead you to the canopies of newgrounds scores ! And here starts the review :
First of all, I will review each author's parts. Then the movie as a whole
So, Zwickel have the highest amount of parts in this flash and that's not justice compared to some others, oh heck I won't rant about the organization. His first part is not bad, but it's still mediocre, as well as about the quality of animation as the point of view he takes upon. But the idea love comes out of nowhere (the magician hands summoning artefacts symbolling (archaic verb) love is interesting. Although, a squirrel with a heart depicted on his belly (looked like a character from the care bears) is way too random and obscure. The second part is pixelized, and it is not worth a lot. And the third part is by far the best (of yours, yes I switched from the third to the second person) yet it's sketchy and the guy moving is akward enough to make me dislike it. The story, bleh, I don't know it was random.
Vinnie part is enjoyable forasmuch as the drawing is decent and the animation smooth, albeit it seems it's inspired of an anime or a manga I don't know. But maybe not :3 And I presume Vanessa Teamo is you
Vice part is passable. The animation is not bad, fast-paced and smooth but the drawing is not very good. In fact, the bodies pieces are assembled in such a way it's like putting legos next to one another.
Ah, my favourite part, Jeinu ! The drawing, the animation, the colors and the background are beautiful. I especially appreciate how you work out the backgrounds and how you use the music as a part of the animation itself. Too bad there is not a real story or plot behind, I know it's hard to do when it comes to be only a bit of an entire movie.
Milburn's marks the difference between a professional animator and the rest. I have nothing to say but that it's well-animated, colored and dude it's funny. I might see you meant that love is a big stroke in the heart....a big big stroke. Though it might have been interpreted as negative.
Robert-bob's parts are rather dissapointing for the drawing is more than decent but the animation and the story are poor. I can barely see that the girls is carrying on and the colors are too radical (green and purple, a bit unrealistic innit :D yet I know it's part of the meaning) and the second part is nothing special, just the same girl (with at least the difference that she is happy and relieved from a weight "on her shoulders" that I must give you credit for).
Annabelle did a cute job there. I love redheads =3 Too bad the animation isn't top notch. But the bit where the boy is "eructing" his heart is pretty and all ! I don't understand the Foster's reference though.
Tarienn's part is empty. Really, just a heart travelling into a beam of light. The only thing I can extract is the fact it goes from travelling downwards to upwards. At least buoyant aspect.
Theo's part is not too shabby. But it's cliché ! Oh so cliché. Plus the art is not good and the animation laggy. This is part of the girl's animation I guess, I hope, otherwise the plot would be messed up.
Rtil, whom many a member loathes, has been pretty lazy eh. The comets figuring a heart are terribly made, sorry to be harsh but it was a waste of time. While the characters are delicately drawn. Too bad there is barely any animation. But you deserve some credit. The transition between Theo's and Rtil's is good, so is the one for Gatekeeper girl.
Talking about her, she did a good job, and is one of my favourites bits. The art is beautiful, but it needs some work for the perspective of the bodies. But overall, it was smooth (a tad laggy).
You guys didn't put much into connecting the bits together, these are just skits put next to another withouth much thought. A story about love would have been more enjoyable.
Cheers !